, we are specialized in chemistry for anti-breeze bank notes. We also do chemicals melting and recovering of all type of bad money from black to white. We also sale chemicals like tourmaline, s.s.d. Chemical solution, And many other activation powder. About ssd solution for cleaning black money chemical and allied product incorporated is a major manufacturer of industrial and pharmaceutical products with key specialization in the production of ssd automatic solution used in the cleaning of black money and defaced money and stained bank notes with anti -breeze quality. The ssd solution in its full range is the best chemical in the market for cleaning anti breeze bank notes, defaced currency, and marked notes. Others for damaged notes, bills like us call +27833928661_________kwazulu natal< DUABAN++語+27833928661 WE DELIVER SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTION / ACTIVITION POWDER IN SOUTH AFRICA, ZIMBAMBWE, ZAMBIA, THAILAND, CAMBODIA, ENGLAND, SWEDEN, TURKEY, CANADA, ALGERIA, U.S.A, ANGOLA, NAMIBIA, LESOTHO, SWAZILAND, MOZAMBIQUE AND WORLDWIDE ETC.
Ssd Chemical Solutions – Clean every black money – Best lab for deface money We have professional technicians and support staffs. Our Laboratory Staff are available to advise, support and do cleaning on percentage agreement for huge amounts. Please contact us via private contact given below.
Our vision is to be the world reliable leading premier high-value and high security chemicals producer in the world and offering our services to everyone who knocks at our door step. “OUR SSD CHEMICAL SOLUTIONS” is uniquely manufactured purified to consistently provide high-value solutions and to our potential and reliable clients across the world.
We do work of cleaning under different process e.g anti-freezing Preparations and Prepared De-icing Fluids, SSD Solution. Vectrol paste, Tebi-Manetic solution, Defaced currency, Cleaning chemical. Darkened currency, Black coated notes, Cleaning black money, super automatic SSD solution, anti-breeze bank notes.
We also buy black note any type and supply the latest automatic ssd, universal chemicals, activating powders and specialize in cleaning all types of defaced notes, black notes, anti-breeze bank notes, stamped coated notes, Prepared De-icing Fluids, Vectrol paste, Tebi-Manetic solution,marked or stained currency.